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Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
Hi everyone, I am Naomi and welcome to my blog. For the first time, my Mommy started a blog for me to pen down my day to day events as I journey through toddler hood. I thank everyone for taking time to read the entries and I hope I have brought to you, laughter and joy.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

15 Months Old

I am officially 1 year and 3 months old on May 06 and according to Mommy, this is the "milestone month" whereby I will be reaching multiple milestones within a single month.

At 15 months old:

  1. I am weighing 9.1kgs and standing at 75cm in height. Tita Eva commented that my weight is normal for a breastfeeding baby, and says I am petite, just like my Mommy.
  2. My very first molar on the bottom right has also erupted on the day I turned 15 months. Now a second one on the top right may also be on its way.
  3. I am walking independently and unassisted. I love to walk...mommy and daddy would hope that I can stop for a while and give them a break but......I can't
  4. I can push very well too. My favorite activity is to push my stroller while walking in the mall. I am bored with my push walker but I love pushing the furnitures at home.
  5. I have been climbing high and low since 11 months and I still love climbing. Mommy and daddy are no longer able to keep me in the playpen, nor the crib since I can easily climb out of them. Leaving me on the ground I reckon, is the safest choice for them.
  6. I also love to dance. Mommy and daddy are often amused by my dance moves as I change my moves according to the song genre and tempo. Now when I hear the word "dance", I can't help it but dance.
  7. I love stacking and I can stack 5 wooden blocks at one go. I love playing with the ball as well. I can toss and kick the ball forward.
  8. Mommy and daddy are also impressed with my language skills. I can communicate verbally and the common words that I use are: come, go, up, down, shoes, ber (water), daddy, dada (my lala's helpers), per (diaper), pen (open), tain (again), teeth, bird, cat, fish, cow, dog, duck, tree, hi, bye, elo (hello), boo (pee-ka-boo) and the list goes on...
  9. When I see something, I start asking "What's this". If Mommy asks me "What's this", I will reply with "this is" and followed by a string of gibberish that only myself can understand.
  10. Recently I also learnt how to say "awwuu" (ouch) when I hurt myself. When I see some other children crying or getting hurt, I can't help but feeling for them. I will also express this by saying "awwuu".
  11. I can also point to all the different parts of my body when I am asked and this includes the tongue...daddy finds it gross but I just like holding on to it when I hear the word tongue.
  12. I guess the accomplishment that my mommy and daddy are most happiest with thus far is my ability to read some 20 over words that I learned from "Your Baby Can Read" DVD programs. Mommy would often test me different words by writing them on the doodle board or paper, and I would respond either verbally or behaviorally what those words mean. I have also began to show the pre-reading skill of print awareness. When I pick up a book, I will start "reading" aloud the title of the book, then flip the page and start "reading" aloud as I point to the words. I can also recognize that prints on papers are words and I will also start "reading" aloud when I see them.
  13. I have developed a good habit of saying Hi to almost everyone I see, especially to babies, children and other adults who I do not personally know (i.e. strangers). Of course, I would also say Bye to people and things (my toys, books, place and any objects that I want to hold on to) when we have to part ways. Saying bye is my way of coping with departure. When I say bye, I can easily let go of whatever I am holding on to, or wherever I am, without feeling angry and frustrated because I know that we will see each other again.
There it is, a summary of the various milestones that I have reached so far. I am enjoying every bit of my toddler hood and I know there is more fun to come. Stay tune for more of the updates of my journey. :)

Here are some snapshots of me toddling around my Lala and Lolo's (grandparents) house:

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